
INDIVIDUALISTIC STYLE: Eccentrically Talented & Authentically Stylish: Nadéah


Each week I feature someone who stands tall and is always distinct from the rest. 
There are those who set out to do this intentionally,
 and then there are those who just... 


You can sense right away this woman is of a different world. 
Her creativity and dramatical essence is radiated quietly through her 
mannerisms and style. 

I met her many years ago and was immediately intrigued. 
Her attire was a perfect mismatch and didn't make sense on one-hand,
 but on the other, she looked amazingly stylish!
 Her look would be impossible to re-create.

It is a style all her own. 
Nadéah is the definition of authentic.  

What intrigues me most about this Paris-based Australian singer songwriter 
is that when you talk to her one-on-one she is soft, 
calm and laid-back, but this whole world of 
releases from her vocal chords when she begins to sing...

When I meet with clients the first thing we do is go through a questionnaire, 
which is meant to help me get to know their personality, passions, uniqueness and quirks. 

This is by far my favorite part in the whole process. I love to learn about 
people, what drives them and what has made them who they are. 

I had no idea what Nadéah might answer 
to some of my favorites from the questionnaire, which is exactly why I wanted to ask her...

What gives you passion and inspires you in life?
"Passion? I get passion from nature, from simple pleasures, cooking, eating, scrabble, dancing, yoga, from interactions with inspiring people, from great movies, the possibility of change and growth"

Give me three words that describe your personal style.
"eccentric, individual, classy"

What experiences have most shaped who you are?
"My spiritual path, my greatest disappointments and failures, my friendships,
 the journey of making art my day job, my lovers, every single day that I pay attention
to the lessons and gifts within the moment."

Her next tour starts in a few months in Paris.
Keep your eye on her, she will certainly will keep you
entertained... and intrigued!


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